Tuesday, June 21, 2011

June 2011 newsletter

It’s Official!!!
I spent 8 days this month in Minneapolis with 15 other potential long-term missionaries
to complete the long-term process with EFCA to determine if I could
continue to serve with TouchGlobal Crisis Response and….I was approved!!!
These new missionaries will be going to France, Lebanon, Asia, Germany and
the U.S. and I can continue to serve as the Finance Manager for Crisis Response
Ministry. I can continue to fulfill the vision that our Lord has given me (through
a fellow missionary) in Ephesians 4:16 which states that the whole Body of
Christ grows and builds itself up in love as we each do our own part and are held
together by every supporting ligament. That’s what God has allowed me to be—
a supporting ligament doing what I can in the strength of our Lord, Jesus Christ,
to work behind the scenes to support and encourage our staff and the volunteers
in all that they are called to be in the Body of Christ. I am humbled and amazed
that God would choose me to serve him in this way. Thank you Jesus for this
opportunity you have given me and thank you all for supporting these efforts
with your prayers and your financial support. Together we are in a ministry partnership
that is called to bring God Glory. Praise Him!!!!

Interns are here!!!
Katie H. has worked really hard to bring 4 interns here in New Orleans and 3 in Haiti for the summer. Join
me in welcoming Chelsea, Ronnie, Keri, Dustin, Brandon, Justin and Jane. Read more about the interns
and the program in Katie’s blogspot at http://www.hookedonhelpingnola.blogspot.com/.

That’s multiplication!!!
At this point in time we are hosting teams in five locations on three different continents! WOW!!! Teams now can serve in New Orleans for Katrina Relief, in Haiti and Peru for earthquake relief, in Alabama, for Tornado relief and in Japan, for Earthquake and tsunami relief. This has only happened with God’s Grace in
His Power and in His Perfect Timing. We can praise a God who is all mighty (psalm 46), who is Great and is worthy of praise (psalm 146), who is faithful forever (psalm 146), who is mighty in power (psalm 147) , who knows the plans He has for each and everyone of us (Jeremiah 29:11), and who’s plans are meant to
prosper us and not to harm us, plans to give us a hope and a future. Jesus is the Christ, The Son of the Living God (Matthew 16:16) He is bigger than our problems and worthy of our supreme trust and obedience.

  Would you like to be a part of Crisis Response ministry by partnering with me? 
Here are some ways:

Pray -    I believe in the power of prayer, and knowing that you are praying for the ministry is a continued    source of encouragement to me and our team.
Send -   Get a team together to come help serve the people of New Orleans, Peru, Haiti and Japan, or become an intern with the ministry for 3-6 months.
Give – Become a part of this ministry by partnering with me as a Missionary with the EFCA (Evangelical Free Church of America).  Send tax deductible donations to my IMA (individual missionary account) #1566.

Checks should be made payable to EFCA . Please write “#1566” in the memo line on your check and send it to the following address:

Dorinda Bogran c/o Trinity Church
EFCA Crisis Response Ministry
19380 N. 10th St.
Covington, LA 70433

OR: Give online at  www.efca.org/give-now.  (Please reference  #1566)

If you don’t already, will you consider receiving this newsletter by Email? Please let me know at by email to dorinda.bogran@efca.org or call me at 985.705.2416. Visit www.touchglobal.org/crisis response for more information on TouchGlobal Crisis Response Ministry and the (EFCA) Evangelical Free Church of America.

1 comment:

  1. love it dorinda! sooo glad you're in my life and in this ministry!
