Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Praises & Prayers

Dorinda Bogran
Finance Manager
August 15, 2012

TouchGlobal Mission
We exist to Develop, Empower and Release the Body of Christ to show His love in times of crisis to multiply healthy churches among all peoples

My Praises—

Praise the Lord…..for a summer filled with volunteer teams with willing hearts and hands to  show the Love of Christ to those in need in New Orleans; for one volunteer teen who shared the gospel of Christ with a young child that he was carrying on his shoulders...booyah;  for sharing nights on Thursdays during the summer and the opportunity to listen and to be    rejuvenated and reminded why I do what I do; for Tuesdays and the opportunity to work from home on ministry partnership development; for family who look for ways to support the work of the ministry of TouchGlobal; for a God who always provides; for a God who is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end; For a God who is, and who was, and is to come; who is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow; for a devotional that reminds that He will be our guide even to the end;

My Prayers—

Heavenly Father, I pray for ears to hear and eyes to see what you would have me do for your Glory every moment of every day;  to not conform to the patterns of this world; for our staff as we regroup, and plan, and continue to build ministry partnership teams to continue in this ministry; for rest in your arms; for wisdom and discernment as we seek your will in plans for this next phase of ministry; for workers, both staff and volunteer teams, for your   harvest field; for full support to be able to continue in this ministry; for healing for friends and family who have cancer; for wisdom and strength and compassion and empathy as a wife and mom;  I pray all of this in the strong and precious name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

Smiling faces serving the Lord!!! TouchGlobal intern, Nathan and volunteer, Brandi

Thursday Night sharing time with the teams—a real blessing to us all!!!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck in the blogging fracas, Dorinda - I can't imagine a better armed warrior than you!
